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Amber Carved Pumpkin

Amber Carved Pumpkin

In about a day, people will celebrate Halloween, the word mean Saint’s evening.

While carving a pumpkin is what people usually do during this festival, and The Palace Of Amber have carved a few pumpkins on our amber, our Carved Pumpkin is cute and very limited edition, we only have three available on our website now.

Here we wish everyone a Happy Halloween.

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Amber Carved Daruma

Amber Carved Daruma

For those who has travelled to Japan might not be new with Daruma, it is widely sold in Japan as a souvenir, Daruma has no limbs and is round, so that even if it is knocked down, it will bounce back, it is sign of endurance. Actually, Daruma is made based on Bodhidharma, a sage from the 5th-6th century. In Japan, a Daruma usually sold without any eyes or only with his left eye. When purchasing a Daruma, you make a wish or set a goal by painting the left eye first. Once the wish is fulfilled or goal achieved, you paint the other eye. Therefore, the Daruma plays a role to motivate people to grant wishes and help you accomplish your goals.

And The Palace Of Amber has designed a Amber Carved Daruma, which is enlightened from the Daruma figure in Japan, we have his left eye attached with blue sapphire, and there will be a 福(fu) word at the back of our Daruma, which means blessing. This design is our limited edition with very few beads are made and we only have 4 on our website now. Hope our Daruma will bring you blessing to achieve all your goals.