
Icy Snowflake

Icy Snowflake
Icy Snowflake

Soon Northern Hemisphere has entered to mid Fall, and there is about a month and half, we will greet the winter. 

For the people from tropical, winter always full with fantasy, all these because of snow, because we couldn’t experience snow here, even it is so called as winter season. But we are so lucky as travel makes easy nowadays, we could travel to far fantasy land to experience snow. Our TPOA designer’s first snow experience is at her 20 years old, everyone would able to imagine her happiness (or craziness :)) at that moment.

This year, The Palace Of Amber has designed Icy Snowflake to join our winter beads release, the center bead is made of faceted white crystal and encased with snowflake, we have three different end cap designs for snowflake, it will be mixed and matched with faceted white crystal. And we have this Icy Snowflake available on our website for selection.