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Summer Festival Beads

Soon we are welcoming summer coming, summer always is a pleasure season, warmer sun and longer daytime, this is a good time for traveling, some places like the day is never ending until we almost getting to bed. That’s a lot of places will hold summer festival, people are celebrating summer coming, harvesting, music and stargazing.

Here The Palace Of Amber has a few summer beads to launch, they all are beautiful and come to grab them home.


First, we have Harvest with us, as I remembered many years ago, I have been to a strawberry farm in Oregon during summer, there we can pick as many as strawberries we like, it is really a big buffer for us. And our Harvest bead is also about harvesting for strawberry, it is made of Strawberry Quartz with beautiful decorative core. On the decorative core, there are strawberry and bee, together with strawberry flowers on their vine.

Bintang Dangle

Our Bintang Dangle is the next, bintang means star in Malay language, Starry Night from Van Gogh always is the first come to mind. Stars always looks brighter during twilight, that is the best time for stargazing.

Bintang Dangle is designed as a dangle with starry ring and starry holder, the starry dangle is holding a facet Strawberry Quartz, it is twinkling under sunlight, reflecting the like just like a star.


Summer Festival will never complete without music, music will bring us joy and happiness through different season. And here we completed it with our Musicaux Spacer. Musicaux Spacer is a spacer which has different musical notes dangling around it, G Clef, Half Note, Quarter Note, Eighth Note, Sixteenth Note, Beamed Note and Beamed Sixteenth Note, they are all the basic element to form a song.

Last but not least, The Palace Of Amber has Fleur De Lis Stopper to join our summer debut. Fleur De Lis is lily flower in France language, it always been used as decorative design or symbol in history. Lily is a summer flower that tends to bloom from early summer to fall. And we presented Fleur De Lis symbol elegantly around our stopper design, which is perfectly matching with summer theme.