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Tropical Ocean

Tropical Ocean

When was your last vacation? Will tropical ocean one of your favorite spot?

Tropical oceans encircle Earth in an equatorial band between the Tropic of Cancer (23.5° North latitude) and the Tropic of Capricorn (23.5° South latitude). The weather there was warm all over the year, soft and white sandy beach, deep blue sea, if you are visiting to an island which surrounded with coral reef around tropical ocean area, snorkeling or even diving will be the most fantastic activity there.

Swimming in tropical ocean, you may find a lot of species living under it, beautiful coral, colorful fish, and even baby shark will be really close to you, this make me remember my long lost vacation to Maldives, which was such a relaxing and enjoyable moment that I ever had and still wished to visit for one more time.

Tropical Ocean from The Palace Of Amber is a glass bead which contains lots of detail from the ocean, the bead background in blue acts as blue ocean, and filled with different species of colorful fish, it for sure will recall your last tropical ocean vacation.