In about a day, people will celebrate Halloween, the word mean Saint’s evening.
While carving a pumpkin is what people usually do during this festival, and The Palace Of Amber have carved a few pumpkins on our amber, our Carved Pumpkin is cute and very limited edition, we only have three available on our website now.
Here we have some lovely pink Rose Quartz uploaded to our website, it is a stone of heart and speaks to the Heart Chakra, it also represents of Unconditional Love, remind me the love of parents. Please come and have a look if they touched your heart.
Actually, we quite enjoyed with watching the light show from different stone, we like to take their video with this form, so that we can see the stones reflect the sunlight to the background scene, we can see the light keep moving when the stone be rotated, that is some kind of delight.
Here we present a light show from our newly uploaded Golden Rutilated Quartz, it’s a stone will draw off negative energy and strengthen our willpower and motivation, a healing stone for emotional wound as an anti depression attribute.
It’s October now, when we march toward to mid fall, it’s about time for pumpkin harvesting, and that’s the time we will see a lot of pumpkins all around. That’s why pumpkin always is the main fruit to be used for decorating during Halloween.
And if there is a Pumpkin Cottage, who will stay inside it? Is he a hobbit? A fairy? Or even an elf? It is out of our imagination to create our own story for this little cottage.
The Palace Of Amber will release our Pumpkin Cottage during this pumpkin harvesting season, it is a house designed in pumpkin shape, our door comes with latch, so it can be opened and closed on your preference. Along our Pumpkin Cottage’s wall, you will see some flower climb over vines to the top of cottage, this design idea is actually inspired from a flower house located in South Kensington, London, wisteria is blossoming in May and climbing all the way up to second floor windows of that house. There might not be logic for a May spring flowers blooming coexist with pumpkin harvesting month, however if you believe in fairytale, there is nothing impossible, and our pumpkin cottage will definitely tell you some beautiful story.
We will launch the Pumpkin Cottage at 10th October, morning 09:00 (GMT+8).
Here we start the week from greeting of our newly displayed Moss Agate, this is one of our favorite stones. It is a stone of new beginnings, it is also a stone that symbolized of growth, growth of plantation in the garden, growth of career and prosperity.
When talking about twilight, what would come into your mind? Vampires? Stephenie Meyer’s novel? Sunseting?
Sunrise and sunset always is the most beautiful scenery in a day, they are the biggest change of the day, switching the day between bright and dark, paint the cloud with multiple colours, these are the moments photographers love the most, because they can capture astounding moment of the day.
The Palace Of Amber has inspired from the beautiful scenery of afterglow and design this glass bead, afterglow, the bead contains a miniature of afterglow sky view, with multiple colors of purplish, pinkish, brownish and orange, together with some silver dust particles scattering over the bead. And we have this beautiful sky view available to purchase on our website now.
Due to popular demand, our Blaze of Glory was out of stock for a while, but there is a good news for sunstone lovers, we have restock some Blaze of Glory, and they are available on our website now, please drop by and have a look.
We have some Lapislázuli uploaded to our website, the stone is in blue colour mottled with white calcite and brassy pyrite, which looks like a miniature of starry night. Lapis Lazuli is a stone of inner peace, the symbol of royalty and honor, gods and power, spirit and vision. It is a universal symbol of wisdom and truth.
Our brain is really amazing, it can do a lot of works, from our basic body functionality, to our logical thinking, it is even needed to control our emotion, it performs every job smoothly and perfectly, it just like gears in a machine, they need to perfectly match with each other to work properly. I think gear is really perfect to represent how our brain works.
Here The Palace Of Amber has another new silver bead released, we named it “Rocky the Skull”, the skull has it’s name as Rocky, that’s represent a person with strong spirit, we need to be tough like a rock in our life no matter what has happened to us. The bead is designed as a skull and replaced the real brain with several working gears, that’s what we said get brain in gear, once we really make it, we will be able to think clearly when dealing any problem.
For those who has travelled to Japan might not be new with Daruma, it is widely sold in Japan as a souvenir, Daruma has no limbs and is round, so that even if it is knocked down, it will bounce back, it is sign of endurance. Actually, Daruma is made based on Bodhidharma, a sage from the 5th-6th century. In Japan, a Daruma usually sold without any eyes or only with his left eye. When purchasing a Daruma, you make a wish or set a goal by painting the left eye first. Once the wish is fulfilled or goal achieved, you paint the other eye. Therefore, the Daruma plays a role to motivate people to grant wishes and help you accomplish your goals.
And The Palace Of Amber has designed a Amber Carved Daruma, which is enlightened from the Daruma figure in Japan, we have his left eye attached with blue sapphire, and there will be a 福(fu) word at the back of our Daruma, which means blessing. This design is our limited edition with very few beads are made and we only have 4 on our website now. Hope our Daruma will bring you blessing to achieve all your goals.